

Exploring the relation between our body and value of a garment by designing from vintage pieces.

0.1 CATO

When a piece is reinterpreted, the dialogue within clothing and the relations between making and wearing clothes changes too—involving technical skills, habits, movement, thinking, desire, memory, and sensation.
Ideating patterns for a top from the worn pants suggests reconsidering the lifetime and use of clothing.
The insertion of contrast fabric, not only aesthetically but also sensation, changes the experience of the pants. Moving around more effortlessly in an attempt to experience the clothing more transforms the identity of the denim.
The look of distressed or unfinished tacking around the legs executed by hand has a quality of “unfinished”. A desire to leave a trace through technique and detail.


Travel Collection


Sakshi Jain is a multi-disciplinary designer, bridging the realms of fashion and technology.  Rooted in her personal experiences and values, Sakshi utilizes her art as a medium to delve into cultural and anthropological themes. Her creative approach transcends physical boundaries, as she constantly evolves to incorporating the latest technological advancements into her process, from Generative 3D Design to Data Aesthetics Coding.

While adept at manipulating digital tools, Sakshi's craftsmanship extends to traditional techniques, including her mastery of knitting. Continuously expanding her knitwear library, she passionately believes in infusing garments with character and depth, countering the monotony of modern textures. Through meticulous research and innovative execution, Sakshi breathes new life into fashion, paving the way for expressive and sustainable wearables that resonate with contemporary sensibilities. Her works have been exhibited in the Tilburg Textile Museum and Dutch Design Week 2023.

Based in  Netherlands